shared with the Laity
A reading of the signs of the time since Second
Vatican council shows unmistakably that the Church
of the next millennium will be called the “Church
of the Laity”.
Participation of laity in the onset of the
Congregation of Sisters Adorers:
Micaela did not like to work alone. She learnt
from life. She went on forming associations,
little by little, in collaboration with others,
until she consolidated the work.
In 1845, she began the Centre of Our Lady of
Forsaken at No.8, Dos Amigos Street with the
collaboration of a Committee formed by seven noble
Ladies, in honor of the seven sorrows of Our Lady.
When they abandoned the work, she run the Centre
with the help of some former inmates, before
entrusting it to some religious sisters; however,
this attempt also resulted in failure.
At this juncture Micaela herself took over the
Centre, abandoned her home and comforts in order
to live with the girls sheltered there. And she
began with the laity. She appointed teachers whom
she began to form; they were taught not only
sewing, cooking…. but she imparted them a culture,
according to the Micaelian pedagogy, a Pedagogy of
Laity in the Charism of Adorers Today:
The lay persons, on sharing the charism of Sisters
Adorers, feel the urgency of translating it in
deeds and in tangible realities, not only their
relationship within the community but in their own
daily life, in such a way that their commitment
may be experiential and concrete.
The XXIX General Chapter Document: “Adorer, Mystic
and Prophet in the XXI Century”, stresses on the
importance of sharing our mission with the laity,
being convinced that the Adorers Charism is a gift
that the Spirit has given us in order to share
with others to strengthen the mission.
Lay collaboration is not a matter of “they”
working “with Adorers” or even “Adorers with
them”, but of laity and Adorers sharing a common
enterprise working in equal partnership with a
mutual exchange of respect, trust, communication,
accountability and transparency. Lay collaboration
is ¨WE¨ sharing the Charism of Adoration –
Laity of the XXI century,
Do you not feel the call to work in partnership
with the Adorers, so as to continue opening new
paths of liberation of young women/girls victims
of prostitution and other social evils?