Sr Caridad Paramundayil, AASC
St Maria Micaela of the Most Holy
Sacrament – Autobiography. Edition
prepared and Annotated by Maria Milena Toffoli
Moyano, AASC and translated by Caridad
Paramundayil, AASC
This book contains the Autobiography of someone
who, because of her Eucharistic devotion deserved
to be called Mother Sacramento. Micaela wrote this
book by order of her Spiritual directors, St
Antonio Maria Claret and Fr Felix G. Cumplido. She
was asked to write down the favors she received
from heaven and the account of penances, documents
that complete the facts in the autobiography. The
prologist says that it is an impressive testimony
of the fact that the ‘Charism of Micaela was the
Charism of the Eucharist’.
Lord, Teach us How to Pray. Compiled by
Caridad Paramundayil, AASC
Maria Micaela – A Living from Love. A
picture novel narrated by Carmen Levi-Vale
and printed in FranceThis book brings a great
message that Saints were not born as Saints. They
were LIKE YOU AND ME. They began like all of us,
answering the call of God. It gives a clear
picture, how the Lord made Micaela understand that
“I want YOU in my work” and how he prepared her to
answer His call.
Letters – St Maria Micaela Vol.1 Part 1.
Edition prepared and Annotated by Pillar
Uribarri Diaz AASC and, Fabiana Pascual Rodriguez,
AASC and translated by Caridad Paramundayil,
AASCThis book presents us the letters of St Maria
Micaela in a chronological succession. This
edition comprises 215 letters, dated between the
years of 1835 and 1850. It is only a small portion
of the total letters preserved in the central
achieves in Madrid, Spain. This volume covers
three parts; the first goes with 120 letters of
family topics, besides the situation of the house
of Vega Del Pozo, the relationships and activities
of the nobles of the XIX century Spain. The second
and third parts combine a total of 95 letters
written beginning with the “first inspiration”
that took place in the St John of God hospital
after her encounter with the “girl of the shawl”.
Letters – St Maria Micaela. Vol. I Part
II. Edition prepared and Annotated by
Pillar Uribarri Diaz, AASC and, Fabiana Pascual
Rodriguez, AASC and translated by Caridad
Paramundayil, AASCThis book contains the letters
St Maria Micaela has written or those written on
her orders, between the years 1851 and 1855 under
correspondence one can discover the richness of
her life, infinitely committed to help all those
who approach her, but in a particular manner to
her work, according to the plan of God. The
Spanish edition of this book is prepared and
annotated by Srs Pilar Uribarri Diaz AASC &
Fabiana Pascual Rodriguez AASC. The contribution
of Sr Caridad Paramundayil AASC is something
remarkable as she has done the English translation
of the book.
A Life at the Service of Love. By Maria
Milena Toffoli Moyano, AASC, printed in
This book is the life history of St Maria Micaela,
Foundress of Sisters Adorers. Glancing through
this book we get an idea of the being of Micaela
as we journey from her birth to death.
Treasured Memories – Sisters Adorers in
India 1947 – 1997. A Study and
Compilation by Caridad Paramundayil, AASCTreasured
memories bring the cherished dream of the Adorers
in India. In this Sr Caridad Paramundayil AASC
invites us to take a joyful ride in to the past,
around the golden years of our presence as Adorers
in India. The book explains the Spirit and the
living testimony of Sisters Adorers from Europe,
South America and Japan. It clearly mentions the
providence and continuous guidance of the Lord and
from His people, who appeared on the scene like
angels to help the Sisters at all times as well as
the difficulties and hardships they faced to make
this dream – the existence of Adorers in India – a
Twenty three Martyrs Adorers. Translated
by Caridad Paramundayil, AASC This book
is a narration of the events related to the death
of 23 Sisters Adorers during the Spanish Civil War
of 1936 – 1939. The content of this book is the
historic realities lived by Sisters Adorers and of
their testimony of faith during the war. It
consists of two parts. The first one – Life for
Christ – is an account given by Srs Ana Duarte and
Maria Josefa Perez Hervada. The second part –
Manuela Arriola of the sacred heart and her 22
companions Martyrs – is the offprint of the book
prepared for the beatification of the 498 martyrs
who share the cause with Sisters Adorers. It is
the description of the facts about the 23 Martyrs
Eucharist, Life of Service. By Maria
Milena Toffoli Moyano, AASC and
translated by Caridad Paramundayil, AASC Milena
Toffoli, a great authority on the writings and
documents of St Maria Micaela takes us deeper in
to the spirituality of Micaela. This book helps to
enter the heart of Micaela on barefoot and will
keep on grasping what it means to Adore in spirit
and truth. It urges us strongly to turn our
attention to the responsibilities of Christian
community; the re-interpretation of faith and the
ways of living it.
Journey – General Plan of Formation, AASC,
translated by Caridad Paramundayil, AASC
Formation, a gift and task for all of us
religious, is not only a duty, but also a right so
that the identity of Sisters Adorers may not be an
empty name, but real and true as Micaela wants.
This Formation Plan of Sisters Adorers has been
approved by the XXVIII General chapter held in
Rome in September – October 2005. It is a
pilgrim’s guide that points out the goal –
objectives – a new style of journeying together;
the possible obstacles in this journey, the helps
that are being offered to us in it – mediations
and instruments – the wells where we turn in order
to satiate our thirst and to refresh the sweat of
an exhausting journey.
The History of the Congregation of Sisters
Adorers Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of
Charity – Volume ( 1845 – 1865 )
Adorers plan for Vocation Promotion
A pedagogical and pastoral tool that is intended
to provide guidance and assistance at all levels
of the congregation